_ it's a joke _
In grade school it was (a) you're stupid &/or (b) ret*d &/or (c) "disturbed" &/or (d) an offspring of the Devil.
Now - we're still not understanding all this stuff. Today at Autism Doctor - "OK, we'll allow [maybe grudgingly] that you have bipolar & that is why they put you on SSDI, but the Real Basis of your disability is not your SPMI - it's your ASD."
But yet, the two younger brothers spent enough time on locked wards in their twenties - they almost had their own rooms. [Ones with the metal bed that's bolted to the floor in the very middle of some rather narrow room, & five point restraints, etc.] And so what if various family members got routinely locked in closets by the others, or murdered each other, or themselves?
And we were shown the narrative written by the clinician who administered the ADOS. It worked better to read it from some 3rd-person perspective, because whoever that patient was - they're screwed-up. In other words it's Hey Scotty, beam me the flock outta here.