elderwanda wrote:
Master_Shake wrote:
I agree with the person who said it's not an either/or thing. Most people think in words AND pictures. However, some autistic people are non-verbal, but obviously this isn't you since you can type a message on this forum. There are more people who lack mental pictures than people who lack verbal thinking, and lacking mental pictures isn't as severe a problem.
So I agree it's a matter of degree, rather than either/or.
If I understand correctly, being nonverbal doesn't mean that you can't type a message on this forum. I believe there are plenty of people here who are, to a large extent "nonverbal", and yet write quite eloquently on this board. KingdomOfRats and Age1600 are two who come to mind. I think they both consider themselves "nonverbal" at least part of the time, but I may be mistaken.
As far as verbal vs visual thinking, I do both. I assume that NTs do both, as well, actually, and that's what confuses me. Certainly most NTs don't only think in words; that would make life pretty difficulty for them, I would imagine. A lot of my thinking doesn't seem to be in words OR pictures. It just
is. As soon as I try to analyze whether I'm thinking in words or pictures, they both disappear, so I'm never sure.
Well, many non-verbal autistics can speak some words, but I certainly wouldn't describe them as eloquent. If I am correct, I believe that non-verbal autistics can speak, but whether or not they are considered verbal or non-verbal depends on if they use speech for communication.
He certainly writes well enough to be considered verbal, as all Aspies should. Though that doesn't mean he isn't more of a visual thinker than a verbal thinker, two separate issues. No non-verbal autistic can talk successfully on a message board, maybe post some non-sense but that's it, this is common sense.
I can consider myself "East Asian" but that doesn't make it so under the current definition. It's illogical to assume that because some people consider themselves something, that it changes the definition of what that something is. If I consider myself "East Asian" this doesn't mean the category should be broadened to include people descended from Northern Europe.
I'm supposed to say something clever here.
Last edited by Master_Shake on 20 May 2009, 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.