I've always had writing problems. It is difficult for me to hold a pen properly. The hand is supposed to be relaxed, yet I hold the device in a death grip! If my hand is relaxed while holding a pen, it shakes and the writing is even worse.
The longer I write, the worse the cramp becomes. Eventually, it becomes almost unreadable. So when I write, I write a couple sentences at a time, then rest a while. I have forgotten how to write in cursive and haven't written that way since I was a child.
That being said, I did make a good showing while writing poetry to a girl in calligraphy. I was getting quite good at it, probably because I would write one letter at a time, very carefully.
Another writing related problem I've had is a difficulty taking notes. In the beginning, I may print some legible and usable information. But since I can't write fast, I begin to abbreviate. Eventually, I begin using some kind of code I make up on the spot.
Later when I look at my notes I can't read them. And the code I thought I would remember? Just gibberish now...