katzefrau wrote:
i really have no idea if this is anything like what you're experiencing, but every now and then in a sea of people walking around in a public place, i look at someone and get what sort of feels like a brain twitch - like "oh my god, there's a person in there!" which is something i'm so unaccustomed to feeling that i don't know what to attribute it to. did i actually get something from looking in their eyes? synapse misfire? animal attraction? fear? it takes me a second to regain equilibrium, and it feels like a less intense version of what you are describing, but it is definitely an other person thing.
i once had this happen with someone literally across a crowded room after making very brief eye contact, and the feeling was so severe that afterward i was overcome by nausea.
Maybe a bit. I've gotten that before, too. It doesn't happen all the time, though. Like when I locked eyes with a guy I was attracted to, and my brain didn't recognise what was happening for a second, so I stared, then suddenly it realised what was happening, and I got a jit of panic and looked away.
I have an irregular heartbeat, pretty sure. Could that cause that? :S If so, how does it get triggered by overpowering sensations?