riverspark wrote:
This is weird, but cool, but weird, but cool but weird...
So the little private local uni I am transferring to this fall is full of people I graduated from community college with--lots of friends who are absolutely thrilled that I am returning to the fold. (I made exactly TWO friends my entire year at the big uni this past school year.)
I was telling my therapist about this the other day, and I mentioned that I was extremely popular at the community college because it was relatively easy there to keep up the NT act. My therapist said something I had never considered: "Maybe it wasn't the NT act at all that was so attractive to people there, but rather, your self-confidence was the key."
WOW. I never thought of that. She told me that after I had wondered aloud what I would be like at the new uni: the "rock star" from community college, the "weird loner" from the big uni, or some sort of hybrid of both?
So now, I am going to live according to my blueprint that I posted earlier in this forum, AND be self-confident. The trick is to learn to be confident without the fake NT persona. Here's where I could really use some advice, please. How do you combine the two? What works and what doesn't?
THANK you! I've been trying to tell people here that for
ages! I've also included "rather than whining about the areas you crash and burn in, keep improving yourself in the areas where you shine".
Being the "victim" doesn't work for anyone in real life...certainly not in the long run, especially.