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17 May 2010, 8:20 am

Was in the car talking with someone and (I already forget what we were talking about) but he said, "Yeah, and that's why you always beat me home."

And I don't know if it was merely how I perceived his tone as being hurt/angry or the fact that a picture of cartoon cop, smacking his night stick in his palm with a menacing expression, popped into my head...

But I totally thought he was upset with me and thought he was basically saying that I nag him or something figurative in that sense. That caused me to immediately go into defensive mode and try to figure out why he felt I treated him that way.

Won't repeat the conversation verbatim... But it was weird cause after that point we were both just trying t figure out what the heck the other was saying, cause it apparently wasn't getting across to either side.

Too me like 20 min of feeling anxious and sad that he felt I was mean to him to realize I misunderstood his phrasing.

We laughed once I figured it out.

edit: He meant that my garmen GPS use superior to his iphone GPS and that was litterally why I always arrive places first.

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17 May 2010, 1:30 pm

i love this story. that used to happen to me all the time.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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17 May 2010, 1:35 pm

Oh so true. When ever I relate a conversation with my wife I sometimes need to stop and ask, "Do you mean...?"
Because I so often get the wrong meaning.


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17 May 2010, 1:40 pm

Roseanne Roseannadanna
"Never mind..."

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