Sparrowrose wrote:
I go spacey all automatically with no space-inducing input required. I have to be super careful when I'm driving because of it.
This is one reason why I don't drive. I space out all the time.
poopylungstuffing wrote:
Any distraction to my train of thought no matter how small, when I am trying to FORCE myself to think about something has the potential to cause me to space out...I try to multi-task in an effort to concentrate, and I find that while I am listening to a program I will totally space out on what I am doing...and if I concentrate on what I am doing, I can listen to an entire program and afterwards not be able to remember a single word of it...I usually try to listen to "Democracy Now" or "This American Life" while I work, as an incentive to stay in my chair and actually get things done..Sometimes I will listen to either or both programs several times in a row during the vain struggle to get my work done. It is pitiful...

I have a similar problem. I can't concentrate on listening to something at the same time as doing something with my hands, so I used to think that I should work in complete silence so I could concentrate on what I was doing. But after some experiments, I found that I actually work better when I'm listening to something (usually audiobooks or radio shows) because then the furthest my mind will wander is to the radio and when I notice that I'm listening to the radio and not concentrating on what I'm doing, I can switch my attention back. If I work in silence my mind wanders all over the place and I often don't realise it for quite some time. Of course the same thing is true if I listen to a rather dull audiobook. And if it's too interesting then I listen to it too much and don't get my work done. I usually work best when I listen to something I'm familiar with (Hitchhiker's Guide, Red Dwarf, Harry Potter). That way I don't feel like I'm missing anything when I'm concentrating on my work, but it's interesting enough that if my mind decides to wander it will just wander to the audio and not all over the place.
I'm not sure if any of that makes sense because it's hard to describe, and I rambled far more than was strictly necessary. And I'm not even sure if it's totally on topic, although I guess concentration is just a way of keeping the spacing out in check. So it's kind of on topic.
My dream is to one day know what my dream is.
~Michael Novotny