not as such, but i was often forced to spend time with older relatives of mine (who were sometimes quite mean to me) when i really couldn't stand to, and forced to speak with them on the phone, which was infuriating. if someone hands you a telephone and won't say who it is, you have no choice but to a. talk, b. yell ("I DON'T WANT TO TALK!!" or "TELL ME WHO IT IS!! !") or c. hang up .. but this was back in the dark ages with rotary phones and i was left either having a complete fit, loud enough for the person on the other line to hear, or capitulating.
apparently i was a mean person for not wanting to speak to them, forgetting birthdays, etc. while they actually said cruel things to me and i was expected to tolerate it.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.