i don't associate things with color, normally... but i do associate numbers, letters, colors, time, etc. to gender. for example:
numbers that are female:
1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, etc...
numbers that are male:
2, 4, 5, 8, 10, etc...
letters that are female:
a, f, h, i, k, l, m, p, r, t, u, v, w, y
letters that are male:
b, c, d, e, g, j, n, o, q, s, x, z
colors that are female:
red, yellow, orange, purple, white etc.
colors that are male:
blue, green, black etc.
time that is female:
february, march, april, may, august, monday, tuesday, thursday, month, minute, etc.
time that is male:
january, june, july, september, october, november, december, sunday, wednesday, friday, saturday, year, week, day, second, etc.
an odd note, is that most of the words that are a certain gender start with the letter of that gender... with some exceptions, like orange, wednesday, year, and week... but the gender of those are a bit ambiguous to begin with... like Mana-sama..
but, now that i think of it, i can easily picture a color for a number... i can see 1 as white, 2 as yellow, 3 as orange, 4 as dark blue, 5 as more of a cyan, 6 as purple, 7 as like.. transparent.. O-o 8 as black, 9 as green, 10... 10 is ambiguous to me. maybe rainbow..