Hey all well I was wondering if anyone ever had a fashion blunder that went beyond the normal fashion blunders into aspie territory.
I will reveal mine first and it is a good one.
It was 1989 and I was in jr high at the height of skyscraper hairdoos and hooker fashion was the norm.
Well there came along hammer pants...you would not know what they were if you were not of that time, but they were the crave at my school. Well this is what they looked like: very baggy cotton/ polyester blend pants that were very baggy except at the ankles they were very tight, and at the waist were these "wings" that were two pieces of fabric that started at the hips and folded over each other as they met in the middle held together by a tacky button...usually gold in color or silverish. They kinda gave the look of a tumberbun (sp). Well they were the rave, and I did not have any cause I was to independant to ask my mom for some and I had no money of my own to buy my own. My aspie solution to such a delemia (sp)??? well I had a pair of pants that were similar, baggy in the legs and tight at the ankles...but no wings/tumberbun thingie at the top. What is an aspie with a major case of fashion dysfunction supposed to do ??? So I just pulled out my pockets and pulled them to the middle and secured them with a safety pin!! !! ROFL!! ! Not only that, they were my favorite pants, so I wore them often like this. Looking back on that, I wonder how I ever survived middle school without significant emotional damage from my peers. I guess it was good then that I was rather invisible.
High school was not so kind as to just ignore me though. My nick-name was "the chic from mars"
anyway that is my aspie fashion dysfunction moment...anyone else have any fashion dysfunction moments to share??
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin