melbi wrote:
nick007 wrote:
melbi wrote:
ya i like humans too.... but when there's no human who can hug me.....
I know what you mean. I'm not close enough to anyone offline to feel comfortable with a hug from em so I don't get one. I started a post a few days ago on this section about secretly desiring affection. I hope you start feeling better soon
I'm feeling much better now after being on WP for the whole night =P
I have a Aspie friend who hugs me but I feel embarrasing asking him for hugs all the time.... as if I'm kinda desperate lol...
Some people cope by having alcohol or smoking addiction...I have hug addiction....*sigh* I guess it's better than alcohol or smoking... but sometimes it can get dangerous for a girl, or it can send the wrong msg to other ppl.
lol...I'm really attention seeking sometimes...
so what's about your "secretly desiring affection"? I'll have a look at your post later...
I kinda want people to "like me"... more precisely... want guys to like me... but I know I can't ask everyone to like me... but I still hope someone would like me... so cheeky!! !
Alcohol & smoking can be extremely bad especially if you have emotional problems. I would say a hug addiction is much better but everyone who knows me offline would say I'm not affectionate. I don't think there's anything wrong with needing attention sometimes. I think a lot of Aspies are introverted so posting about things here can be a big help. One of the rezones I post so much
I think I know what you mean about wanting guys to like you. I wish one woman would like me but I don't know how to make that happen
ToughDiamond wrote:
There was a film about an autistic lady who had a machine something like was a contraption that farmers use to squeeze cows (or maybe calves), for some strange reason. She somehow discovered that she felt a lot better after a few minutes in that, so she had it converted for human use and used it regularly. I'll see if I can find out the name of the film.
Conceptually, I prefer hugs from the right kind of people, but that way it's difficult to get them when I want them. Either they don't want a hug when I do, or it's socially inappropriate, or (in the case of some past partners) they want to hug me when I'd rather's great for a few minutes but after that I get too hot and I start to feel trapped. A machine would solve those problems but there's something about the meaning of a hug from a real person, that I really go for.
I think I've read some article about that years ago. It was some kind of tube thing the person got in