Bloodheart wrote:
I'm writing a letter to complain about how I was dealt with at college, trying to come up with a brief explanation of a meltdown and can't really describe it very well - looking for something short but sweet to express that it's out of your control.
Anyone able to give a nice clear and brief description?
Please and thank you

For me, it is like sliding down a hill, knowing you are out of control and will inevitably crash, dreading it, but totally unable to stop it. I feel as if I'm trapped in a runaway train once one is triggered; I watch what is happening, inside I scream in horror, but I am powerless to apply the brakes and doomed to suffer the catastrophe that follows. As well as the humiliation I feel, I am one of those who suffers a sharp spike in body temperature during a meltdown, so I feel sick for hours or even days after one. I dread them, I do everything I can think of to avoid them, but every now and then, I go over the lip of a precipice before I notice it is there. And fall, all the way to the bottom. A meltdown is its own punishment, as anyone who has ever experienced one will know, immediately and instinctively. It is as involuntary as jerking your hand back in pain if you touch a red-hot object; only in this case, you are doomed to strike your elbow against something when you jerk your hand back, so you will suffer even more.
Feel free to use any of my metaphors that work for you. Sorry I couldn't be more coherent about it; a meltdown is so inherently opposed to coherence that I don't know if it would be possible to write a coherent account of one. An observer might be able to describe what they heard and saw, but how could anyone who lived through it explain it coherently? It is an internal, mental tornado which rips through you, shattering thought and coherence and leaving devastation in its wake.
AQ Test = 44 Aspie Quiz = 169 Aspie 33 NT EQ / SQ-R = Extreme Systematising
Not all those who wander are lost.
In the country of the blind, the one eyed man - would be diagnosed with a psychological disorder