Has anybody ever ignored the NT ways just said no I'm done trying to fake my way through life, I recently did and I showed my true personality ( I'm very blunt, emotionless if you will, and I like to say the truth ), and one of the few questions I was asked not more than a couple hours into it was do you really mean your sorry or are you just saying that because that's what your supposed to do, so I plainly said " I'm just saying it because that's what you say", my mom then said she felt uncomfortable around me "like this". Now Im not mean I just didn't understand what I did wrong so I felt no empathy for my mom after a long argument and tears from my mom, but what if I don't care, I don't comprehend, I mean for the first time my mom didn't understand me, she was totally clueless, and ofcourse she then continued like nothing was wrong. I'm just still in shock and sort of questioning what to do " apologize and say I mean it when i don't " or well I dot know what else.
My point in writing this long paragraph is why do I have to change myself, my actions, when the only people with a problem are all the NTs? I hate to consider my mom with a label but that's just the truth. If someone could explain why they don't understand I would appriciate it.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein