Reodor_Felgen wrote:
Meltdowns are related to the entire autism spectrum, but can even happen to NTs. Because of stronger sensory issues, it's more common amoung people with Kanner's syndrome ("classic autism"), than people with Asperger's syndrome.
am agree,there are more meltdown setoffs in classic,but it is possible for aspies to have the same level of meltdowning,there is a side label that mainly specialists use informally called explosive aspergers-it is used for aspies who have severe and regular MDs,rages,whatever want to call it.
am have the added sublabel of 'explosive autism' though dont think its official as the specialist had assessed am through sister,though couldn't care less as am can get the support am need without it.
as for NTs having meltdowns,
there is one NT user on a mixed disability forum am use,who isnt autistic but is diagnosed with some mental illnesses,a while back,some autists had joined and posted about meltdowns and the user took a liking to the word,they previously used mental breakdown in most of their posts,but due to them swapping meltdown for it and association meltdown only with pyschiatric illness,they have now convinced two major disability communities that meltdown is a mental illness thing,and is just another word for mental breakdown.
am wish meltdown would become an official term,so people would know exactly what it means,and autists amongst others who really do have them might have a chance of being better understood by specialists etc.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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