ColdBlooded wrote:
Does anyone else find that they use the same topics in conversations over and over and over again? I do talk to people at work, and it seems like i just keep saying the same things to different people. Like when i think of a new idea for conversation, i'll use the same one with a bunch of different people i talk to that day to try to make conversation, and just try not to use the same one on the same person twice. The are some general ones, like when it's someone i don't know then if there's anything related to the subject of animals, then i bring up the reptiles that i have. Then with people who i kind of know, i have to bring up new things so to them i bring up something interesting i recently saw or something funny that happened recently, so when i think of a new one to use i'll bring it up to most of the people i talk to then and sometimes go back to past ones if the person hasn't heard the others already. I guess everyone probably does this to some degree, but other people seem to have more variety or creativity with what they say, i think. With me i'm pretty much having the same conversations over and over again with new people.
Aye, it drives my mum crazy when she calls.
me: "Hi mum, how are you?"
Her: [standard response or whatever]
conversation meanders somewhere for a while, then there's a short silence
me: "So, how are you?"