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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Jun 2010, 11:07 pm


I am 20 years old and I never thought anything was wrong with me until I read about Aspergers. Academically I am a 5 star student. I never go to any classes but still get very respectable grades. Infact I have my first Engineering paper in three days and I don't even know what lectures I should read but I know I will end up with a great marks in the end. I always thought I was just a non social person but whilst reading the personality traits of an aspie I thought the article was actually referring to me.

I have had many friends in the past but I never engaged in any out of school activities with any of them. My close friends were a group of 5 people who knew me only because the local gamers wanted to establish a strong Counter Strike team and I used to be and I would say am an exceptionally talented player. My teenage years revolved around computer games and in later years around PS2/Xbox. I never felt/feel any emotional attachment to anyone. I almost never cry. I moved to England for my degree course and I never call home, my folks always call me and its not that I had a troubled childhood. Infact I had everything a child could ask for. Anyone who knows me tells me that I have great sense of humour which I believe is true because I can find humour in almost anything. I would rather stay back at home and read a book or watch a flick rather than go out with anyone. My elder brothers have been social sharpshooters. The eldest one is a successful businessman and he often mocks my social skills and that I never like girls, which is completely untrue because I just never found the strength if i liked a girl and moreover I just dont understand the point of going and talking to anyone whether it be a girl or not. Generally I am very quiet and I never speak unless I have a valid and a convincing point to make.

When I came to university I didnt join any societies because I didnt feel I belonged to any of them. I didnt even join my own country's society because I dislike the idea of nations divided by borders and I always consider myself a global citizen rather than someone from a particular country.

I also started working part time when I came to England. I have achieved a lot in the 2 years I worked although for a very small company. Professionally I am an ACE and my supervisor is always happy with my work so much so that when I wanted to leave work and put more time in studies he offered me a raise and a car. My course ends in 10 months and I already have a job ready for me at BAE Systems.

Recently I saw this girl and I just felt an instant awakening (I know it sounds so hollywood-like). She has average looks and she comes from the same city as me and I just keep thinking about her for some reason. My university is full of pretty girls but I never felt the same sensation as I feel about her. I keep thinking about her so much so that it I think it has impaired my critical thinking skills. Unlike me she is a very social person although not an extreme one as far as I know. I dont want to sound like a creep but I opened facebook a few days ago (I hardly ever use facebook except if I want to broadcast something) and I came across her profile. I honestly stare at her display picture and just try to figure WHY I LIKE HER ? I MEAN WHY ? I am not a stalker or something and I never waste my time but I JUST KEEP LOOKING AT HER PICTURE AND TRY TO ANALYSE MY BRAIN AND WHY IT IS ATTACHED TO HER! Infact for some reason I think I would do anything for her which is normally very unlike me.

I have very good NLP skills and I had depression 3 years ago. I cured myself in 2 months just by telling my inner self how serotonin levels have been affected in my brain and how they are projecting feelings of unworthiness.

Sorry for all the historic mumbling but I just want to know am I really an Aspie ? Why do I keep thinking about a person who I dont even know ? I just fail to understand these emotions because honestly I never had any such alike.


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05 Jun 2010, 11:25 pm

I can definitely see you as having Asperger's, but if I were you I'd see if I couldn't get a professional diagnosis rather than rely on a self-diagnosis. But that's just me, though. I prefer things to be legitimate.

As for your feelings for that girl, I can be the same way. I might see someone whom I find appealing, and I'll stalk their Facebook profile all the time just so I can look at their display picture and the information they have on their profile. I don't think it's creepy as long as you don't become obsessed to the point at which you want to find out where she lives and go to her house and do a slew of other things that could be construed as invading her privacy. :wink:


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06 Jun 2010, 1:08 am

Look into schizoid personality disorder as well. Your extreme introversion may be something of that sort.

In any event, you don't really need to see a doctor if you're functioning fine and happy as you are; there has to be distress or dysfunction for it to be a psychological issue, and if you've got neither, then chances are the best diagnosis anyone can make is probably "eccentric".

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06 Jun 2010, 1:11 am

That's so sweet!

If I were you, I'd tell her.

It don't take no Sherlock Holmes to see it's a little different around here.


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06 Jun 2010, 1:53 am

Hi AliG,

I self-diagnosed too. If you really want to be sure, make an appointment with a psychiatrist who knows about Asperger's syndrome. In the meantime, you could try this test:

(I scored a 37.)

You sound very well-adjusted and successful--you have a job waiting for you after school ends already, and there are many "normal" people who can't find one for several years after graduation. Congratulations. :thumright:

About the girl you are drawn to--maybe you should approach her and ask if she'd like to go out sometimes. The direct approach is often the most effective. Who knows why anyone is drawn to anyone (and that's not Aspie vs. NT here--this is part of the human condition)? Give it a try and see what happens.

Self-curing your depression--I'm impressed! That's no small feat.

Feel free to keep posting here--glad you found this site. Welcome. :)

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06 Jun 2010, 2:29 am

If you have AS you could be misinterpreting eye contact. I used to mistake girls with particularly expressive eyes as an expression of interest or attraction. How this girl make you feel might not say anything about what she thinks. I think you will just appear odd and creepy if you act or verbalise without any indication the attraction is mutual I’m told NTs use non-verbal communication for attraction.

ps Are you in an abusive relationship with your brother? If so disown him and demand your parents decide which one of you remain as their sons. Thats how to handle bullying. Just my idea.

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06 Jun 2010, 2:44 am

I took the advice of another member here and picked up "The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome" by Tony Attwood.

There are a number of self evaluations for the various features as pulled from the AAA diagnostic criteria (all of which I scored in the AS range), but a lot of the evaluating that also is done are things that these surveys cannot accurately capture such as time taken for a response to gauge if it is being made by intuition or intellect, and more specific things like handwriting and conversation skills. Reading up from an expert's perspective, you'll learn an incredible amount about these features and traits, from the challenges to the special talents, that would define the potential diagnosis of AS. If you can, get those that know you like your family to also read and help you collaborate a perspective. A diagnosis is just a clinical opinion. The real important thing is being able to identify strategies that will help you in your life.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Jun 2010, 2:31 pm

First of all I must say "Great So many replies"

Callista thanks for the info on SPD but I dont think I have SPD. Infact in some cases I have opposite characteristics to that of an SPD. I can be highly competitive and sometimes fiercely. My teenage life was full of multiplayer first person shooter games and I used to religiously work on competition like noting down other teams strategies, developing counter strategies, building a strong formation etc. Even in school I was quite competitive. I was captain of the section-H football (or soccer as you say in the US) team for 2 years known for their rather non-sporty players but we reached the finals twice. I never have problems communicating with others except in a social context. People who know me think of me as someone who is smart and funny. Its just that I never go to any lengths to preserve a friendship or strengthen a bond. I like to be highly sequential and sometimes repetitive, I just cant tolerate things non sequential for eg. when I start studying I start from page 1 although I know everything from page 1-200, I find it impossible to start things from the middle. In promotes feelings of anger when I have to leave something unfinished and it is impossible for me to leave one thing for the other whilst the latter still needs work eg. I just spent 12 straight hours doing and finishing engMaths only because I started it. In short I dont think myself being inferior. Infact in my own mind I am a very confident, goal orientated, logical and a balanced person. My political beliefs are extremely concrete and I think that I would be a great stateman or an advisor.

I couldnt get a visa in time to come to the England after I finished 12th grade even though I had the admission letter, so I had to take a gap year. My fathers friend who was in the army at that time knew me from a young age and offered me a place at the intelligence bureau. Some of you know it as ISI. I have always been excellent in everything else as far as I can see apart from socially set surroundings.

I dont feel unease at social situations I just dont get the point of it. You can give me 5 minutes in a party and I can analyse everyone socially. I am a bit socially anxious and I avoid social situations. I would never go to the after party after a match or any other function even though once I get started people find me very cheerful. I know I can put up a social show when I want to but I NEVER WANT TO DO THAT. When I am around people who know me I am at ease its just that I tend to fear something around unknown people in social surroundings.

I have known girls in my life but I never felt any sexual/intimate attachment on the same level to any of them as now. This time its very different. I am so confident with myself (which could be very devastating perhaps) in what I do when I know what the goal is. In social situations I fail to understand what the goal is. Today if you ask me is there anyone you truly care for I would say (a) the girl who studys law and (b) my neice.

Is it possible that I am a case of PDD-NOS ?


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06 Jun 2010, 7:09 pm

I like the Aspie Quiz.

It's long, but seems to be really good.

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Jun 2010, 7:16 pm

conundrum wrote:
Hi AliG,

(I scored a 37.)


Hi. I just got here and was kinda amazed at what this place is called as I always felt like I was on the wrong planet.

I scored a 28 on the test. Is there such a thing as "almost asperger?" Either you are or you are not?




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06 Jun 2010, 8:19 pm

JamesBon92007 wrote:
conundrum wrote:
Hi AliG,

(I scored a 37.)


Hi. I just got here and was kinda amazed at what this place is called as I always felt like I was on the wrong planet.

I scored a 28 on the test. Is there such a thing as "almost asperger?" Either you are or you are not?



Well, I haven't heard it put that way, but, yes, there is such a thing. It's not like being HIV positive or such, where you either have it or you don't. There's degrees. Officially, the cut off point for having it or not is pretty much, if it gets in the way of your life you have it, if it doesn't, you don't. But, yes, one can have enough traits to know we are different, to read about Asperger's and recognize our differences, and yet, either don't have enough traits or aren't impaired enough to actually have it.

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.

Emu Egg
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06 Jun 2010, 8:58 pm

thank you everyone for your promptness.

conundrum i scored 38 on the test you posted. i also took other tests available and all of them have had the same outcome saying "You are very likely an Aspie". One of the tests said "You are 68% Aspie & 32% NT". I just want to set the record on concrete so I must go for a clinical examination. I am glad that I came across the knowledge of Aspergers because since I have gained consciousness I have always found myself different to NT people. At least now I have a logical explanation for it.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Jun 2010, 1:59 am

Mysty wrote:
JamesBon92007 wrote:
conundrum wrote:
Hi AliG,

(I scored a 37.)


I scored a 28 on the test. Is there such a thing as "almost asperger?" Either you are or you are not?



But, yes, one can have enough traits to know we are different, to read about Asperger's and recognize our differences, and yet, either don't have enough traits or aren't impaired enough to actually have it.

OK, thanks. i know almost nothing about autism and this is all new to me and most of the time when I read the posts I don't know what everyone is refering to.

But according to your definition since I am impaired by *it* then it appears I have it. What do to with that information I have no idea.


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07 Jun 2010, 4:14 am

From one aspie engineer to another, greetings!!

Some things that may help:

1) As you're in the UK head along to your GP and see what they can do regarding the psychiatric services. It's virtually certain that your GP will know what AS is and the fact that you have a reasonable head on your shoulders will make their job easier.

2) Hit the university library and spend some time reading about AS and the associated conditions. Knowledge is power.

3) Finally, the pretty girl. As you've seen her facebook page you now know her name and email address. She doesn't (yet) know that you exist so it might be a good idea to say hello. Today.



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07 Jun 2010, 6:45 am

JamesBon92007 wrote:
Mysty wrote:
JamesBon92007 wrote:
conundrum wrote:
Hi AliG,

(I scored a 37.)


I scored a 28 on the test. Is there such a thing as "almost asperger?" Either you are or you are not?



But, yes, one can have enough traits to know we are different, to read about Asperger's and recognize our differences, and yet, either don't have enough traits or aren't impaired enough to actually have it.

OK, thanks. i know almost nothing about autism and this is all new to me and most of the time when I read the posts I don't know what everyone is refering to.

But according to your definition since I am impaired by *it* then it appears I have it. What do to with that information I have no idea.

Well, being impaired doesn't make it autism. You still have to have the characteristics of autism. Ultimately, if you want an official answer, go to a professional to be diagnosed. Otherwise, ask yourself, "Do I relate to autism/asperger's? Does seeing myself as autistic/aspie and/or reading about autism/asperger's help me in some way?"

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Jun 2010, 12:12 pm

So far the only way that this information is helping me is that I may have discovered a name for whatever is wrong with me, but I'm not sure that's much help :wink: I'd never even heard of Aspergers before yesterday.

I took another quiz and the results were "likely an Aspie" but I do not relate to many of the posters here, at least as far as music goes. I guess I'll keep reading and see where I end up. I am "dysfunctional" due to my extreme reactions to modern music (but I enjoy classical music, band music, etc) and I guess I'm hoping to find a way to deal with it, other that what I have been doing which is to keep building better, more effective ways to become electronically deaf.