Todesking wrote:
I was waiting in line at supermarket to pay my cable bill. There was a little girl there moving one of those metal poles that held the red ropes that helped keep the line of people zig zagged. I said that was not disgusting the people sniffing trying to get a whiff of a fart was disgusting. The mother, the little girl, and me had a good laugh and no one looked in our direction. Is that common among NTs wanting to smell a fart? When I hear a fart I try to get out of the area to keep from smelling it.
My first reaction to the title of this was: "Just ONE weird thing?"
I think it's just morbid curiosity, like pulling on a loose tooth even though it hurts. You know it's bad, but you can't help yourself. It's a reflex thing like stimming is, but it's not stimming, it's just a thing our brains are wired to do. And some people think that their neuro group has a monopoly on weired, ha!
(I'm not exactly NT, but I'm just ADHD and quirky so in some ways I am, some ways I am not).