Who hates the presence of people?
I hate the presence of anyone under 5 and I'm not a fan of pregnant women either. Yeah blah blah blah I know I was a baby/child/unborn once, I don't need to be reminded of that! Other people I'm okay with as long as they aren't going to mentally or physically hurt me.
I hate when children try to get your attention, I remember this little boy kept hugging me leg, it was VERY unconformable.
I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.
I despise being near people - even if I like the people I'm with, I'm more comfortable alone.
Is anybody else like this?
I dislike being near other people as well, and am more comfortable alone. The only person I don't mind being around is my fiancee. I can tolerate being around others, but would always prefer to be alone. After long periods of being around others I need some time alone to recharge and let my anxiety level go back down.
Growing up I would hear people talk about the classic situation of "if you were stuck on a desert island who would you want with you?" and I would think why would I want anyone with me? Being on an island by myself sounds great.
Its weird I cannot stand being around people to the point I hardly ever leave the house but I am still lonely as hell. I joined a dungeons and dragons group that meets every other Saturday. I use to go every Saturday but on the odd Saturday it was a mixed group where you would game with new gamers and dungeon masters which caused me to get nervous and aggravatted to the point of almost having panic attacks so I stopped going to that meet up. I was in a game group that met at a local game store on Thursday but so many new member were coming and going it made very uncomfortable and the group started making little insults to my intelligence that I started being a prick to everybody so they kicked me out. LoL It does not matter I was not having fun anymore because of the new people anyways.
My friends from the gaming group would go to game conventions around NY state I tried to have fun at them but a combination of bad gamemasters and worst players made it not worth putting up with all the strange people. I was nervious and anxious all the time.
Some times when I have to go to a store with cashiers I have not ever used before I get nervous and start to sweat. The same thing when I go to a movie theater and its crowded. I am a very big guy and I know no one in theater will do anything to harm me or insult me but I still feel like something bad is going to happen to me.
My parents and brother do not bring people inside the house because how uncomfortable having strangers in our house makes me. My brother said he notices how I do not make eye contact with people until they interfere with my personal space then I glare at them like a mental patient or prison inmate.
Also hate having to wait in line line and someone stands to close or talks to me, it makes my skin crawl.
I so hope they come up with a cure for Aspergers while I am still young I cannot stand this anymore.
*raises paw* I am actualy repulsed by the presence of other people. I can feel an energy feild coming from other people and always could since infancy. It's painful sometimes and that's why I would scream if someone tried to hold me as a baby and why I don't like to be hugged.
I was bullied merceislessly as a child and that didn't help any. I never idenified as a human being but three year old furries are unheard of and my parents told me to shut up about it. I grew up with feelings similar to that of someone feeling like they were born the wrong gender. I felt I was born the wrong species. The furry comunity just seems like one big joke to me. I've never really wanted to go to furry conventions because under the costumes they are just other people and the whole thing seems like one big joke.
I think I was a misanthrope even as a child. I remember thinking how ugly and repuslive even the most saintly person was. Most people were always in my face and never would leave me alone and the dense energy feild was often painful to expirence. I ideinfied as an animal more than a person. I have just simply learned to cope; I still feel like I was supposed to be a cat or a meerkat. Growing up and learning how people think they are automaticaly higher than animals and can do what ever they want to them and being told it was wrong to like animals more than people didn't make me think any higher of people.
I'm not weird, you're just too normal.
Growing up I would hear people talk about the classic situation of "if you were stuck on a desert island who would you want with you?" and I would think why would I want anyone with me? Being on an island by myself sounds great.
I'm the same way too.
People just irritate me. They disturb my alone time and they keep me from being alone. I can only handle it for so long then I need to go "decompress".
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