Tbh since i start analysing myself and everyone around me i eventually came to this conclusion that might make some sense out of this "delayed empathy/inappropriate empathy" thing.
I noticed NTs will invest emotionally, sometimes hugely in things that between five minutes and twenty four hours later, then "realise" didnt matter as much, or they just forget about.
I noticed ASs didnt seem to invest much at all, absence of emotion was Impossible if your human, theres ALWAYS something there.
Today i just shrug it off as "NTs do the feeling FIRST, then the thinking.. so are more prone to spilt milk crying, ASs do the thinking first then the feeling, so are more prone to saving themselves the hassle of crying over it before realising it wasnt that bad."
crime drama webnovel: AS and NT Officers, please read and review!:
Waiting for the 'scientists' to realise thinking a 240volt dc fridge not working in a home with 240 volt ac mains mean