My adhd-like symptoms need some criticising

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Snowy Owl
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12 Jun 2010, 4:12 pm

Lol, someone asking for criticism.....

so I have strong markers of adhd-pi (predominantly inattentive) but I don't need to do the things that most (apparently) would do, like self medication with illegal drugs, excess caffeine, impulse purchases etc. I don't know if this is a "not totally accurate" adhd-pi classification or not.

IT seems that every decision I make is more about thinking before doing, to the extreme, and also linked to my social issues.. This may be procrastination of course, there is a good definition on wikipedia.

EDIT - This could be me, except only human negotiation, confrontation, ie aggression applies, not animals etc.

An example, I did bad at school because I could not concentrate on the task. If I try to do something now, like tidying my room, my first thought is why bother (depression?) but years ago, before why bother, it was I'm playing the computer, so nothing else matters..not that I thought about that in my young years (up to about 25)

I can't read books, but I can read a certain amount of text. I can learn in my own time.

If I start something new, that is compatible with me, I can get energised for a few days perhaps. It feels like its working, but eventually the feeling fades.

I far prefer the total peace of no one around and no distractions whilst watching films, playing games, [trying] to do a spreadsheet, or learning something new.
I will read to a certain level about science, physics, health. I've covered a diverse range of topics online.
My friends call me Mr. bandwidth, dare I say why?
I used to play doom multilink on the playstation for about 30 hours a week after work.. (2 playstations, serial lead) it was with a family member.
I can hear everything, I don't really get absorbed and I'm usually thinking whilst watching, playing games.

I can wire a plug etc but if I had to do many, I may forget to add a grommet or something like that, simple mistakes etc.

So, I wonder if these are symptoms of true adhd-pi or a side effect of total awareness/excess processing leading to distracting/said adhd-symptoms.

Last edited by ADHDorASDorBoth on 12 Jun 2010, 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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12 Jun 2010, 4:46 pm

Can't say for anyone but myself.

But on the medication/self-medicating thing, I can say that not all people with ADHD take anything for it. Back when my stomach could handle coffee, I would have one every so often, or soda, but never the kind of addictive consumption of caffeine that some people did. When I had to stop drinking caffeinated stuff, I had no withdrawals or anything like that.

Never took medication and I never will...I've just had to learn how to rely on self-discipline (though that falls apart at home--for at-home tasks I am AWFUL at getting them done according to any sort of schedule...I just handle it when I get the impulse.).


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12 Jun 2010, 5:06 pm

So, I wonder if these are symptoms of true adhd-pi or a side effect of total awareness/excess processing leading to distracting/said adhd-symptoms.

I don't completely understand the question you're asking. Can you rephrase it?

Regarding ADHD medication, I don't take any, even though my life would probably be a lot easier with it. Meh.

Snowy Owl
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12 Jun 2010, 5:15 pm


So, I wonder if these are symptoms of true adhd-pi or a side effect of total awareness/excess processing leading to distracting/said adhd-symptoms.

I don't completely understand the question you're asking. Can you rephrase it?

Regarding ADHD medication, I don't take any, even though my life would probably be a lot easier with it. Meh

I'm wondering if my adhd "symptoms" are actually adhd or a side effect of ASD/too aware/self conscious/ too much worry about what people think etc etc.
If they are not from adhd then meds may not work.


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12 Jun 2010, 5:46 pm

What is this "-pi" in ADHD-pi? :? I have been diagnosed with ADHD (combined type if it matters), and I am presently on a generic form of Concerta right now. I believe it's making me more stimmy and all-around aspie-ish.

I am not sure what you are asking, but does any of that help? :)

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Snowy Owl
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12 Jun 2010, 6:00 pm

PI- predominantly inattentive.


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12 Jun 2010, 6:23 pm

Thanks for the clarification. I have read somewhere...I think in Attwood...that often symptoms of AS become more noticeable when someone goes on medications for ADHD. I also think the distinction is a challenging one to make. I have similar questions about myself but I'm having to defer to a pro on this one.

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12 Jun 2010, 6:45 pm


Book reading and concentration
Does what you are reading make a difference? If you find it very interesting or boring, does this make a difference?

Anyways, try some Ritalin. See if you gain the focus and feel calm instead of hopped up on a stim ;) Not the best test, however, if you feel centered and clear minded from a stim whereas others take it and feel "hyper"and such, then it's plausible seeking a professional to work the diagnosis and treatment. This may or may not begin with an Rx.

Snowy Owl
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12 Jun 2010, 6:51 pm

I stopped reading (I would only read fantasy or sci fi anyway) when I was 16 because I decided that books felt like a task to be completed. They never compare to computer games..or even a good film.

I have just started watching the 3 hr 40 mins of godfather part 2.

It was at 10mins on my videolan media player for the last 36 hours or so....but I never got round to it, even though I have about 14 hours spare per day as unemployed and no hobbies.

I think it was because it was such a long film, but then again I also have not watched doctor who either-yet and thats only 40 mins.

I think its my mission to get to the bottom of my problems that is now taking more time, so I am focused in that way. I don't think someone with true ADHD only would be that bothered but then I suppose we are all different, hence why some drug testing may be a necessity.