Dots wrote:
I have bipolar disorder as well, but I wouldn't say I have intense emotions any more. Before it was controlled with medication, yes for sure my emotions were intense and frightening, but I would say that when the bipolar is removed from the equation I don't have too much of an affect. I agree with ColdBlooded that when there's too much input and I get overwhelmed I can be too expressive.
I've done some theatre work and I find myself manufacturing an affect a lot of the time so I blend in.
Does being bipolar make overloads closer to the surface or easier/more often for you?
I had emotional outbursts almost everyday as a kid, I guess they could be called rages or meltdowns, the terminology seems to differ by disorder. Right now, I often do have emotional outbursts, even on meds. My emotions do get scary because I don't feel like I'm in control.
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020