veiled expressions
That's a huge chunk of money, and currently, a single high school is winning it for a weight room.
I voted and watched the video.
While I hate to interject something here which may be perceived as "negative" by some,
I must say i'm a bit disturbed by the rather twisted set of priorities here.
I'm sure it's a high school in an economically-deprived area and i'm all for helping the economically-disadvantaged.
But a weight room?
Last time I checked....nobody dried up and withered away for want of a weight room
in their high school.
Decent textbooks, teachers, computers and safe schools are one thing.
Weight rooms....sorry...not a priority.
That's not to say they shouldn't have one....but to choose to fund this over research for Rett's syndrome is a bit obscene IMO.
Anyway....I wish you and your daughter the best of luck.