WarWraith wrote:
The game presents you with a series of achievable goals, each time rewarding you (with gold, or an armour upgrade).
In addition, you can end up collecting lots of things and spending lots of time organising them. Which make it a little self reinforcing.
And it doesn't really require good fine-motor co-ordination, unlike first-person shooters or racing games. Those type of games end up sending my anxiety through the roof because I can't quite co-ordinate everything properly to achieve the goals.
Whereas, even in a raid encounter in WoW, once I know my skill-rotation (which buttons I need to mash in which order), it becomes a matter of me just doing my bit to achieve a common goal.
These are all good reasons why he likes the game. I have no problem with the game per se, although I know some people think its highly addictive.
I'm wondering--what would you do if your daily game time was suddenly limited to 3 hours? What would you do if a parent used the WoW controls to limit it? Would you flip out? That's what I'm worried will happen. But I have to have the limits imposed like that, because otherwise he will just refuse to get off, and then things might get tense.