what is this mythical "NT" everyone talks about? i think a lot of people actually mean non-asd when they say nt.
statistics show in the US in any given year about 26% of adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. that means 1 out of every 4 people you run across are not nt. that doesnt even touch the geeks, nerds, and little-bit-freaky people that arent diagnosable because they dont meet all the criteria.
i think the vast majority of people have something freaky going on. maybe not diagnosable, maybe it only touches one aspect of their life or personality. but can they truly be called nt? i see nt as referring to society as a whole, rather than to individual people. typical simply means within the range of an accepted norm. so while the majority of people may think neurotypically about various things, it doesnt mean the majority of people are neurotypical.
for instance, take 4 people who by majority think dogs bark, cows moo, grass is green, and the sky is blue. one of them, lets call him bob, thinks the sky is red while the rest think its blue. bill on the other hand thinks cows quack. fred is sure that dogs meow. and martha is boring and has no original thought. the sky is blue by neurotypical standards as thats how most perceive it, dogs bark, cows moo, and grass is green. so while we can say those are neurotypical thinking patterns because thats how the majority perceive things, the majority of people, 3 out of the 4, were not neurotypical individually.
at least thats how my accusedly nt, self diagnosed ocpd, socially dysfunctional but not asd brain sees things.