TheDoctor82 wrote:
I notice my room-mate as of late has been listening to a lot of rap, which I've never known him to be that into.
I know he likes Metallica though, which I flat-out can't get into.
I know a lot of times people like really angry music to help express just how they're feeling about certain situations on the inside.
The thing is...I totally can't relate.
Half that music in the '90s-- the grunge and all that--I thought was totally inaudible, and what really hit me was that a lot of folks were saying "it expresses the pain and suffering that life really is".
What got to me about that was that I kept thinking "you wouldn't know pain and suffering if a house dropped on your leg". Half the people who talk about how horrible and terrible life is seem to be the ones who were spoiled rotten as kids and have no idea what suffering and being put thru hell really is.
I, in contrast, having gone thru all hell all my life, busting my @$$ like crazy to get where I am, enjoy upbeat music; the most "angry" music I enjoy is...Genesis. I kid you not.
I just don't understand the mentality of those who think they have life so hard and wouldn't know a hard life if it bit 'em where the sun don't shine, then have the nerve to tell us it's that reason that they listen to such angry music...
It has to do with personality type. I can't understand soul-less judgemental people like you as much as you can't understand people who have a different musical taste than you.
By your same logic you also have no right to claim your life is "hard" since you didn't grow up in third world poverty, have both your parents murdered in front of you at the age of 10, or have your body mutilated / limbs amputated due to explosive shrapnel injury. My point is suffering is relative. You have no way of knowing what people go through if you can't exist in their shoes.
Also, I don't understand why if you are so tough and well-adjusted that you still need to judge and look down on people who have different life circumstances / personal tastes from you. Do you need to do this in order to feel better about yourself? Listening to angry music seems like a healthier outlet for personal angst than what you do.
And for the record I don't understand the mentality of people like you. I don't understand how people like you derive your entire sense of pride and self worth out of "I walked to work 10 miles uphill both ways in bare feet everyday to get I am today (... and you "other" people didn't)". It just seems so shallow and empty. Life is all one great big rat-race social-darwinist gladiatorial contest. Yea right.

That just doesn't cut it for me. I need there to be something
more to my life than that.