I'm sort of spiritual. I think the law of entropy (energy can change form, but cannot be created nor destroyed) tells us that there must be some kind of afterlife. What is the difference between a dead body and living body? The living body has some sort of energy (some people would call it a soul) and because we know energy cannot be destroyed, it must go somewhere after death. As far as there being a god, I kinda doubt it for a few reasons:
1) Supposedly in Bibilical times, all this amazing stuff was happening. So why do we only have this one collection of that history (the Bible)? I can't believe that no other writer at the time felt like making a record of this amazing stuff.
2) There's just way too many logic problems. If I'm bad I'll go to hell. But since God is all-knowing, he must know what I'm going to do before I do it. That means I have no free-will (all my actions have already been determined) So how could a good god punish me when I had no choice?
3)This is an old one, but could God make a boulder so heavy that even he can't lift it? If you say yes, then that means God's not all powerful because he can't lift the boulder. If you say no, then god's not all powerful because he can't create such a boulder.
I really think we created god just as a consequence of the way our brains work. We tend to view things in terms of cause and effect. Us and everything around us must have been caused by something, so that something must be God. This argument is fallacious - just because we don't know what caused us doesn't mean that God did. That's like seeing an object in the sky and assuming it's aliens just because you don't know what it is.
Having said all that, there certainly are things we don't know though, since our intelligence is limited. Take a fly for example. A fly has no concept of anything outside it's own world. No sense of the English language, no concept of mathematics, etc. But we know these things exist, because we're much much smarter. So it could be that we just can't see the answer because our brain power is limited.
The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.