Willard wrote:
Dentistry is a necessary evil. I'm not fond of it, but there are times when I'm very grateful somebody knows how to do what they do. Sure beats the days when you had to take a bottle of whiskey and a pair of pliers and do it yourself. 8O
I was born with nine more teeth in my head than a human is supposed to have, so as an adolescent I had to have extensive orthodontic procedures to remove them before they started growing in, then years of braces to insure that the rest grew in straight. Going to the dentist was so common for me, I just got used to it. I did absolutely despise having that toxic fluoride goop forced into my mouth, though - fortunately, no dentist has done that to me in years.
I had to have multiple dental surgeries and my upper jaw broken, then years of braces. Also, none of my baby teeth fell out on time so I have had every tooth in my mouth pulled by the dentist as a child. The whole "someone has their hands in my mouth" part of the dentist is so routine for me. I just lightly trance out and I'm not even there.
But the insistance on radiation and fluoride every six months drove me away.
"In the end, we decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it."
-- Randy K. Milholland
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