You're having a bad day, I"M having a bad day.

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Blue Jay
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29 Jun 2010, 7:53 pm

If my husband is having a bad day I immediately take on his mood. If my co-worker is in a miserable mood, I"M immediately miserable too. It drives me craaaaazy! Why am I like this? Is there a name for it? Anyone else like this? I just seem to take on everyone's mood pretty much only the bad moods though. :(

Can anyone give me a little insight on this? :?


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29 Jun 2010, 8:03 pm

Sounds like empathy to me (and some people accuse Aspies of not having empathy :roll: ).

This sometimes happens to me, but usually only with people I'm close to emotionally.

I've read a little bit about this. If you'd like to know more, PM me and I'll tell you what I can.

Take care.

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Blue Jay
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29 Jun 2010, 8:15 pm

yeah, it's mostly just with people I"m emotionally connect to as well. (the co-worker I spoke of has become a friend)


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29 Jun 2010, 8:27 pm

I have the same problem with smiling and laughing....if someone smiles, or laughs, I smile or laugh and if I see someone cry, I cry. Its like some bizarre imitation problem I have.


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29 Jun 2010, 8:33 pm

If someone around me is in a bad mood, it may put me in a bad mood, but its not empathy - its because I don't want to be around this cranky, weepy, moody twit and their misery causes me anxiety.

I feel like they expect me to 'fix' them and I have no clue what would accomplish that or how to apply it, so I wish they would just go away. I guess I'm not in a bad mood because they are in a bad mood, I'm in a bad mood because they're in a bad mood around me. :evil:


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29 Jun 2010, 8:33 pm

I find that I take on the mood of the people around me.

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Blue Jay
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29 Jun 2010, 8:59 pm

Willard wrote:
If someone around me is in a bad mood, it may put me in a bad mood, but its not empathy - its because I don't want to be around this cranky, weepy, moody twit and their misery causes me anxiety.

I feel like they expect me to 'fix' them and I have no clue what would accomplish that or how to apply it, so I wish they would just go away. I guess I'm not in a bad mood because they are in a bad mood, I'm in a bad mood because they're in a bad mood around me. :evil:

I can see how you feel too.
Mine it just hits me. I have no feeling towards it or them but I'm just miserable too. Instantly. :wall:

and if I see someone cry, I cry. Its like some bizarre imitation problem I have.

I'm the same way with tears! If I see someone cry tears immediately spring up. I freakin' cry over commercials or if I see something happen that's wonderful to someone. I can NEVER watch Ty Pennington Home MakeOver. I bawl all the way through. LOL I even cry if I see the cutest little bunny rabbit or kitten and I think it's so sweet. TEARS. It's hopeless


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29 Jun 2010, 9:08 pm

It's to do with vibrations and energy people give off. Don't worry you aren't strange at all - you're just sensitive to the energy around you. :)


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29 Jun 2010, 9:29 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
It's to do with vibrations and energy people give off. Don't worry you aren't strange at all - you're just sensitive to the energy around you. :)


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29 Jun 2010, 9:45 pm

Energy can be absorbed too remember ;)

Sea Gull
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29 Jun 2010, 10:45 pm

I've never cried because others had it tough, were going trough pain were having a hard time. Of course I've never told this to anyone, because it would make me sound extremely selfcentered - which I probably am (but I don't need others to know that). Sometimes I do project, but like pointed out earlier thats not empathy. Maybe something which was said triggers an emotion because I can relate to something I've experienced myself. Yet somehow I manage to project it onto myself - and this is probably what triggers my emotions. Others having a bad day is more about them not treating me right, being a source of annoyance than me feeling empathy or sympathy.
Generally I avoid situations like that, because I don't like dealing with other peoples emotion and comforting others feel awkard and sometimes it makes me feel like a hypocrite. I don't give my best when it comes to comforting, but I give it a try. Best thing for me to do is asking how the other person feels, just asking questions without it seeming like an interrogation or something. Otherwise it just sound scripted. I'm known to be a bit emotionally cold - not because I'm a jerk, but because people aren't a great interest to me.