I'm not saying that you were doing it, CockneyRebel, and I don't think you were, but one thing that p*sses me off about WP often is that the spectrum people, because of the condition, have a tendency to talk at and not to me, or at least I perceive it that way.
That said, a double blessing of understanding spectrum disorders and having Internet access is it gives people like us both an outlet and social possibilities not available in the IRL NT world - the perfect place to talk about our obsessions, be they the Roadmaster or in my case the Catholic Church and Anglo-Catholicism.
(I've hooked up three times starting with online encounters related to my interests! Wouldn't have happened at an NT bar or club.)
You see, somebody else here has a British-related interest! You're not alone, CockneyRebel.
When you get a chance, go there - as the Brits here will tell you, it's great! London is big and diverse enough that you can find your interest represented there; I did! Maybe there's a Roadmaster museum as well as those bus tours for tourists.... I'll admit I'm curious how actual Londoners would react to your speaking voice. Would they think you're one of them? Probably not, no knock on you. Putting it on? Maybe - it may take some explaining but you've been there. Maybe neither.
Just curious... have you met any actual Brits, did they comment on your voice and if so what did they say?
There is the possibility that, being British, people would be polite and not mention it.