anbuend wrote:
Just a guess but the OP may have been referring to corrected vision. Still not that bad though, I think my vision was worse than that for awhile before anyone even noticed. ("Look at those people." "What people??")
To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure, I've been told that 20/60 and 20/80 is my visual acuity, but I'm not sure if that is with or without glasses. I've also been told that I'm legally blind, but those numbers don't match by a longshot what is actually supposed to be legal blindness. Although it is pretty obvious that my eyes are much worse than the average person's who wears glasses, just based on lens thickness, and all of those times in school when someone asks to try on your glasses (never understood why anyone would want to do that) and then the nearest glasses wearer then decides to trade glasses. I can't usually tell much of a difference between my sight without glasses, and wearing theirs, while they always reacted with "woah!". If this tells you anything, my glasses are a little thicker than a quorter of an inch. Strangely enough, even though I've always been curious, for some reason I never think to ask when I see the eye doctor.
Still though, the fixes for the problem aren't that complicated, just sit at the front of the room, use a magnifying glass or larger print material when needed. Oh and I was supposed to get printed copies of whatever was ever put on a projector (I swear those machines are evil). My point is, it seemed like all of my teachers/counselors/parents (and even to an extent, me) always worried way to much about my vision way above anything else. There was one counselor who did look further into my social activities as well as my lack of focus, and she was the one who initially suggested AS.