What's the difference between APD and Inattentive ADHD?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Jul 2010, 1:10 pm

APD: Auditory processing Disorder*
i put the emphasis on Inattentive adhd because theres a distinct difference between it and ADHD.. so i've been having some serious issues with overall concentration (writing, reading, listening) and it's lowering my overall confidence. granted, i'm still recoverring from a psychotic episode and am starting to taper off high doses of my antipsychotic, but in outpatient facilities i don't see people that seem to have serious issues with concentration like i do. I would say the main thing you would notice in me immediately is that I tend to have blank stares a lot, which causes me to assume people are thinking about me in a negative way (and they probably are somewhat given their reactions) and i've been dealing with these reactions for most of my life, hence the depression

i find that stimulants help me but too much can cause me to become psychotic, hence the reason i recently relapsed. i still believe however that if there hadn't been any complications regarding the dosing of the medication i wouldn't have become psychotic- as i understand it from russel barkley very low doses of stimulants are most effective for those with inattentive adhd. at any rate i may opt for nonstimulants if auditory processing isn't the issue. but what's the difference?


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15 Jul 2010, 1:19 pm

Just FYI, I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD, and also had a lot of side effects from non-stimulants, too. It was easier than the one time I took ADDerall XR, though. At the time I was on the lowest does, ten milligrams (they came out with five milligrams right after I went off it. :roll:) and it built up in my system, so it was like I was on a higher does than necessary. I was really emotional, not hungry, and it made my tremor from my ataxic cerebral palsy worse and last during periods of non-movement.

However, on Strattera, I was tired all the time, to the point that I think a few people thought I was on drugs. I was nauseous, and ironically, a bit underweight (I am rather obese now). So yeah, those meds suck, at least for me.

All forms of ADHD are essentially issues with attention regulation, so it isn't an outright lack of attention span. The medications for ADHD activate the part of the brain that helps with attention regulation.

Auditory processing is when you can hear with your ears, but your brains don't process the sounds correctly, so everything sounds distorted. Of course, since you are born with it, you don't know if it what everybody experiences, or what.

Growing up in an awkward world.


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15 Jul 2010, 1:22 pm

APD for me is like trying to listen with my head in a bucket of water, that's about the best way I could describe it


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15 Jul 2010, 3:36 pm

ADHD people can understand what's being heard. It's just that they have trouble paying attention - they're easily distracted. Having APD is like not even getting what people say to you, distracted or not, due to crap wiring.


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15 Jul 2010, 4:20 pm

I am diagnosed with Inattentive ADD but I also have occasional trouble with something that sounds like APD. If I am overloaded anyway I can clearly hear someone speak English to me but it all sounds like nonsense syllables, sometimes even if I ask them to repeat what they said again and again. It's embarrassing. It doesn't happen consistently enough for me to think I have APD though. It just happens every once and a while.


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17 Jul 2010, 12:34 am

What's the difference between APD and Inattentive ADHD? - In some cases, no difference at all. I am ADHD Inattentive, central auditory processing disorder (CAPD/APD), and mild dyspraxia. - pgd - There is a publication from ERIC on the topic: ADHD, for some, includes CAPD/APD; ADHD for others - their hearing is ok. It varies from person to person.