ToughDiamond wrote:
Yes I get that kind of thing sometimes. I think it's because I don't judge people and have a penchant for unusual types, who often turn out to have issues. Most people would probably take one look at them and steer clear, but I just wade in and start making friends with them.
That sounds similar to me. I certainly seem to only have friends who are unusual and that have associated issues. The time when I had most friends was when I was most involved in these sorts of strange situations. It got too much and I yearned for time by myself, eventually becoming wary of making any social contact at all. Probably not trusting my judgement in social situations, so just not engaging in any.
It cuts both ways as I would guess that many of us *also* have issues - quite visible in some cases much as we may try to hide them. Which is interesting as it would explain why "most people take one look and steer clear" of me, too. Leaving only the odd ones to befriend.
I think NT's get involved in 'soap operas' too - they take up much TV time so I assume those programmes are based on something? It's the kind of situation that's different. I imagine NT's would mostly be in complex relationships. Mine were far stranger than that!
Circular logic is correct because it is.