I have absolutely no idea on how to start a conversation, and I also don't know how to talk about something I'm not interested in, but that is an interest to most teenage girls (nail polish, make up, boys, etc.). Besides, it's really stressful for me because I don't know what is expected of me in a friendship, and when I was little, my parents told me that I used to have some friends, who laughed at whatever I said, making fun of it, but that since I had been told that laughter was good, and it was a way of showing that someone liked something, I thought they laughed because they liked me. Now, I'm sincerely not so sure, and I find it really hard to trust someone besides my parents, my dog and my grandmother. Not even my brother.
Besides, I don't know how to keep a relationship going. I don't like to get on messenger just to talk about random things. If I talk, it's because I have something to say, if not, I won't talk. I won't go out with others because I don't feel the need to, and I don't see the reason. Also, I don't call people to just talk about random things. At school, other students and teachers thought I was mute until we started seeing the Universe topic in Science. While we saw that topic, no one could shut me up. Afterwards, I became silent again.