This bothers me, and I need to let it out.
I have a couple of friends that I talk with. We used to go on a forum a couple of years ago, and one of the members on said forum had Aspergers. This member did absolutely nothing to me; I thought he was a pretty cool guy, because we had similar interests (like cartoons and such).
However, said member had gotten so angry at one of my friends that he made death threats towards him. My friend, from his own standpoint, did nothing to him to make him that angry - and, I have yet to bring up the subject to the other party.
Now, what does this have to do with anything? Even though this happened a few years ago, this member is still brought up in the company of my group of friends when the topic of Aspergers and Autism is brought up. If I bring up wanting to be tested for Aspergers, I'm told that, "Oh, no, you don't have Aspergers, unlike X." If I bring up how people with Aspergers have one focus, and that want to talk about it with others, I get, "Oh, well, I don't view the disability: I just see them as boring, like X." I've even been told the phrase, "Everyone on the internet has Aspergers."
These statements bother me, extremely. I feel like, every time I bring up Aspergers, it's being compared to this one example, this one forum member, that we all knew from years ago. I want to tell my friends about Aspergers, and what it really is, but I'm afraid that I'll start an argument with them. In the end, what I want is to stop these comments, because I think they're unfair and rude.
What do you guys think?
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