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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Feb 2009, 10:55 pm

So I assume most of you know eHarmony is a online dating service. ...and if you don't, you do now. Well, today out of nothing better to do... I took the the personality matching test and got this..

Not able to match you at this time....

eHarmony is based upon a complex matching system developed through extensive research with married couples. One of the requirements for successful matching is that participants fall within certain defined profiles. If we find that we will not be able to match a user using these profiles, we feel it is only fair to inform them early in the process.

We are so convinced of the importance of creating compatible matches to help people establish happy, lasting relationships that we sometimes choose not to provide service rather than risk an uncertain match.

Unfortunately, we are not able to make our profiles work for you. Our matching model could not accurately predict with whom you would be best matched. This occurs for about 20% of potential users, so 1 in 5 people simply will not benefit from our service. We hope that you understand, and we regret our inability to provide service for you at this time.
You can still receive your free Personality Profile by clicking here.


I had a feeling I would end up with such based on the quetsions and how I anwered them (honestly). I've deemed it is because I’m a emotionality unstable depressed, short tempered non sociable single woman. (or so the answers likely say) I looked it up and it tells me they don't accept depressed people...whcih I'm not, but that is the only catagory I fit.

So has anyone else taken and failed the test? I am curious to see what other aspies would get. I'm more amused about the whole thing than anything though.


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09 Feb 2009, 10:59 pm

Thats interesting I'll take a shot at it, not because I am looking for someone, but because I want to see the results of my personallity profile.

Alot of times if how you feel with something doesn't quite feel like it fits or belongs in their category, then chances are how you feel does not match the intended point of that category, so no worries.


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09 Feb 2009, 11:01 pm

I am surprised eharmony won't except someone who is depressed, I mean I could understand if it were extremely severe, then that could pose a sort of threat to the eharmony community, but if the person is just a little depressed, there is nothing wrong with a "good ol fixer upper", if a good person finds that person then maybe they can help.


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09 Feb 2009, 11:07 pm

This is why I don't use it.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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09 Feb 2009, 11:09 pm

I have seen a fair number of males I know who are rather nice people fail the e-harmony test and a few females I know who are nutcases who pass ...these are women I wouldn't wish on an enemy, I wouldn't feel bad.


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09 Feb 2009, 11:41 pm

I stick with PlentyofFish, lol.

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09 Feb 2009, 11:50 pm

It took the test it accepted me, but I still don't think it really went that in depth into my personality, and I think alot of it did not apply to me. I also don't think it is worth a subscription.


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09 Feb 2009, 11:51 pm

What are the other ones out there?


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10 Feb 2009, 12:08 am

Xelebes wrote:
I stick with PlentyofFish, lol.

Probably a good idea. I got a couple of casual dates, but nothing serious.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 Feb 2009, 12:25 am

eHarmony began as a Christian-oriented dating service. As they see it, their mission is to match people who desire conventional, traditional, center-right marriages with each other. Since they began they've branched out a bit and some of their borders have blurred a mite. (Even, as a result of a recent New Jersey court ruling, creating what I understand is a separate gay-oriented matchmaking service, at least for that state.)

Nevertheless, they do not want to deal with people who are on any of the more distant sides of the curves they consider important: gender self-identity, sexual orientation, relationship orientation, etc. They want solid, middle-of-their-road people so that their idea of a "proper" marriage will be encouraged.

Through online acquaintanceships, I do "know" of a number of people who were rejected by eHarmony, most of them (so far as anyone could tell) on the basis of relationship orientation, some of them on the basis of sexual orientation, and some on the basis of gender self-identity.

In particular, and up to that recent court ruling which went against them, eHarmony wants thoroughly monogamous, thoroughly straight people, and if a given person is not, they do not want that person in their system.


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10 Feb 2009, 1:07 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
Xelebes wrote:
I stick with PlentyofFish, lol.

Probably a good idea. I got a couple of casual dates, but nothing serious.

To me, that's a success story. I've gotten a couple casual dates too.

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10 Feb 2009, 1:28 am

yeah, i failed too. i was in a very depressed mood when i did it though, maybe that is why i did it.


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10 Feb 2009, 2:49 am

I have no interest in dating. I will try just for fun.

All aspies should try it, just to skew their database.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 Feb 2009, 3:06 am

Fuzzy wrote:
All aspies should try it, just to skew their database.





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10 Feb 2009, 3:35 am

I wasnt rejected. The only untruth I told was that I want to marry.

I'm not paying any money for this experiment.

davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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10 Feb 2009, 4:31 am

I did it about three months ago. One of key things in the personality evolution was I am eccentric. I thought that was funny. The biggest issue is all the girls it finds are in the southern part of the US and not near me. I did it as a hoot in any case.

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