roygerdodger wrote:
Don't know if this is a part of my autism or not, but I'm like a master of obscure TV shows, movies, music, books, etc. (For example, how many of you Americans heard of the "His Dark Materials" trilogy? ) and whenever I talk about them, I always get responses like "never heard of it" or "that look/sounds like crap".
Well, one of the criteria for autism in DSM-IV is:
encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
So, yeah, it is pretty typical behavior for someone with an autism spectrum disorder. I think of it as "falling in love" or "being infatuated" with a topic of interest. Like being in love with a human being, you just want to be with your topic of interest all the time, you feel "right" when you are together with it, and you can spend hours and hours just hanging out with your topic of interest: it gives you a warm inner glow. Mine is certain (sometimes obscure) medieval languages ...
The technical term is "special interest". This following link gives some useful information about special interests (written by someone who had a "Doctor Who" special interest at one stage):