Do you have any siblings who follow "the norm"

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Jan 2006, 11:46 am

Personally, I have a sister in Year 8 (2 year's younger than me) who follows the crowd like some kind of religon, I'm exagirating *Spelling* okay, but not by much

She speaks like "Whatever" (She says it in an annoying way I can't explain with typing) "Minger" "Saddo" etc...

She tries to buy a new bag eveyr year like everyone else does, she listens to nothing bu R&B, etc...

I really do hate it, she sometimes decides to get nasty too, about my interest in music and games, sometimes she'll just decide to go "Games are ****!" (I'm a hardcore gamer) and such

What about you guys?


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22 Jan 2006, 11:58 am

This is just part of natural human development. At her age, it's normal to try to fit in with one's peers as a way of finding one's own identity. Preteens and teens often go through phases where they "try" different styles and trends to see which they like or don't, and through the process they learn about themselves. While they are going through the process, it can be annoying to others but hey. Just don't let her get under your skin. Her teasing about gaming is probably just a way to assest her difference from, so let her do ti and just blow it off.

Besides, being a "gardcore gamers" is an indeentity you've no doubt chosen for yourself to differentiate yourself from you parents and sibling and other peers because you feel this ideentity bests suits you right now. So ona deeper level you're really not that different (gaming is hugely popular, not to mention big business, so in a way, it's part of th overall "norm" too).

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22 Jan 2006, 11:59 am

My brother is so dynamically opposite to me that it's hard to believe we're related at ALL, let alone siblings.

He's 18, three years younger than me, and is completely and utterly NT. He tends to be thoroughly ashamed of my non-NT behaviour, and prides himself on being 'normal' (ie, one of 'the gang'). He's very much what's known as a "chav" here. Hoodies, bling, Burberry cap... He drinks and smokes, thinks he's the epitome of what a teenage boy should be, and speaks in chav-tongue ("I'm kotchin; at my pad. Yeah. He's a ****ing p***k. Nah, that's safe t'ings. Ai'ight. Prank ya later." - example of him on the phone). He listens only to rap/r'n'b/garage, and seems to spend his life sleeping, eating, and going to clubs or hanging around with his 'mates' and his girlfriend. He can be an absolute jerk sometimes, and has never made an effort to understand my AS. He insists that I "do it on purpose" to annoy him, and that I could be normal "if [I] tried".

So yes, I understand very much where you're coming from, Leon :)

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Tufted Titmouse
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22 Jan 2006, 12:01 pm

**In response to the 2nd post here***

But the thing that annoys me is the fact she's like that cuz everyone is (As is every peer) I'm the way I am because I want to be, not because anyone I know is

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Jan 2006, 12:06 pm

Tails wrote:
My brother is so dynamically opposite to me that it's hard to believe we're related at ALL, let alone siblings.

He's 18, three years younger than me, and is completely and utterly NT. He tends to be thoroughly ashamed of my non-NT behaviour, and prides himself on being 'normal' (ie, one of 'the gang'). He's very much what's known as a "chav" here. Hoodies, bling, Burberry cap... He drinks and smokes, thinks he's the epitome of what a teenage boy should be, and speaks in chav-tongue ("I'm kotchin; at my pad. Yeah. He's a ****ing p***k. Nah, that's safe t'ings. Ai'ight. Prank ya later." - example of him on the phone). He listens only to rap/r'n'b/garage, and seems to spend his life sleeping, eating, and going to clubs or hanging around with his 'mates' and his girlfriend. He can be an absolute jerk sometimes, and has never made an effort to understand my AS. He insists that I "do it on purpose" to annoy him, and that I could be normal "if [I] tried".

So yes, I understand very much where you're coming from, Leon :) make my sister sound like an angel with that brother of yours....I've heard of being an @$$, but gimme a break!

BTW, what does NT Mean?


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22 Jan 2006, 12:54 pm

My sister [NT] was always like that to,she used to [and still does..actually] complain about everything I have interest in.
I think the peer mimicking females,are less likely to accept things like computer games,because they don't see it as a very 'feminine' thing to do,at least that's what it was like back when I was very young/in junior school.
My sister played computer games until junior school age,then suddenly it was,something to avoid and abuse along with her bratty female mates,although she is now 25,doesn't hate games-and has a small collection of games on her mac,so people do mature their views,your sister will probably think differently when she's older.
Music is one thing my sister is always going to moan about,she always swears at any music of mine that's on,she recently borrowed one of my albums [Rob Dougans' Furious Angels] and proceeeded to slag it off,calling it a certain swear word beginning with S.
It's an insult to music to slag off Robs' work,he tried something different with Furious Angels,and it was an immediate classic with many,various programmes used singles as background music,it's been on adverts like the royal mail,and in the OST of the Matrix films,it's ageless music that crosses boundaries and genres,give me Furious Angels over her newest Ministry of sound compilations consisting of repetitive,identikit,made for profit pop dance singles any day.

Either wait till she matures her opinion.............or moves out.

-What does NT mean.
Neurologically typical,the majority brain setup/type,used to refer to non autistics,but not all non autistic people are NT.

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22 Jan 2006, 12:56 pm

LeonSKennedy827 wrote:
BTW, what does NT Mean?

Neuro-typical. ie, 'normal'.

Edit: Oops, was beaten to it. Ah well.

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22 Jan 2006, 1:05 pm

Yeah, my sister's that way too. It irritates me, but what bugs me more is that she (when I see her- we're both grown and hardly see each other) constantly infers that I shoul dtry to bemore like other people or to be more like her! No thanks, I like who I am! :x


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22 Jan 2006, 1:17 pm

My brother's 19 and highly social (changed via brute force as far as I can tell; he used to be as geeky as me) but now unfortunately thinks it's in everyone's best interest to be an extrovert and jumps at the opportunity to remind me how juvenile and silly I am, and demands to know why I haven't become as social as he is. Apparently once a while back he snuck into my room and read some of my journals that I wrote as a depressed 15-year-old raging at my lack of social skills, and now likes to ask pointedly why I haven't changed since then. He thinks that cause I no longer force myself to be social at cost to health, I've given up out of fear.

Luckily it doesn't irritate me that much since I barely ever see him. We've both moved out and he lives in another country.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Jan 2006, 4:11 pm

Whoa, getting more replies than I thought O.O


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22 Jan 2006, 7:39 pm

I am happy to have a sister who is not like that.

She is an NT, and went through alot more trouble in school than me because of her short fuse. When she got bullied, teachers were involved, the principal ect, and everyone knew. Me, on the other hand kept quiet about it and told no-one, and didn't lose my temper with the bullies at all.

She's never liked the norm stuff, but she has expensive taste. She only likes the best. (she's starting a high paying job this year though so she will be able to afford it).

I personally don't care about that sort of stuff, as long as it fulfils my desire to look at pink, purple, sparkly and glittery things.


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22 Jan 2006, 7:46 pm

My brothers and sisters are, at least, 10 years younger than I am. So it's hard to tell if they're different from me because of their age or because they're NTs. My sister and brother are both 21 (different mothers) and have always been out-going and talkative, boy can they talk your ear off! My brother did have a few Aspie traits but seemed to outgrow most of them when he hit middle school. He still seems to have trouble with eye contact and has obsessive interests, particularly cars.......and girls. :roll: I haven't seen much of him since he moved in with his father at age 13 and it's probably because he's so busy socializing with his buddies and has a million girlfriends.

My 17 year-old sister is the most like me since we both have our father's temperment. She's shy, sensitive and cries about everything. But she's very social and doesn't seem to be an aspie. My 16 year-old sister, on the other hand, has always been weird. We thought she was going to be a loner when she got older because she was so mean and hated everything the other little girls did. She hated girl's toys, would have a fit if she had to wear a dress and she just about died whenever she had to wear a pink sweater with ruffles on the shoulder.

She also went through a phase where she was obsessed with Alisha Keys and wanted to be a singer, take piano lessons and even got her hair done like her. It freaked my mother out when she came home from the salon with braids since my aunt had a similar obsession brought on by schizophrenia. To everyone's surprise, she ended up being a social butterfly and a star high school athlete playing basketball and running track. I still think she might be an aspie but can hide it so well she fits in the NT world.

As for my 8 year-old brother, it's hard to tell yet since he's so young. Between 2-4 years old, he watched his Toy Story video at least twice a day every single day. He also loves playing video games to the point it's all he'd do if my mother didn't make him do his homework. However, he's never had trouble making friends and even at 8 years old, the little girls at his school just love him. :lol:

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22 Jan 2006, 8:14 pm

My brother is my polar opposite: a liar. Not only does half the things he says a lie, he thinks he can control the world simply by yelling at it. An annoyance most of the time, but we have our moments. He has a new nickname every few weeks derived from his current worse feature, right now he's Dictator Pat. I have too much fun taking advantage of his short temper sometimes, I still have to work on that.



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22 Jan 2006, 8:15 pm

And yes, he's absurdly social when he's not having a tantrum or playing vidoegames.



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22 Jan 2006, 8:17 pm

Is tamagotchi really popular again? 8O The 11 year old of opposite-ness has one!



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26 Apr 2006, 5:20 am

LeonSKennedy827 wrote:
**In response to the 2nd post here***

But the thing that annoys me is the fact she's like that cuz everyone is (As is every peer) I'm the way I am because I want to be, not because anyone I know is

A little off topic here; totally agree. People are like sheep. They all seem to move in the same direction. This is safe.

LeonSKennedy827 wrote:
I'm the way I am because I want to be, not because anyone I know is

yup. me too. The sad thing is that anyone who dares to be what they want to be, gets labeled different. (not that I would prefer beeing anyting else). People can't seem to accept different. Anyone that does not fit into the herd.

Sad. Very sad.

We'll just have to keep on beeing ourselves. Let the others continue down the safe road.
Different is what changes the world.