DonDud wrote:
I used to stand and walk with my feet at a fairly wide angle. I don't think I'd have changed it naturally if my mom hadn't nagged me to start walking normally. Even today, I have a tendency to spread my legs and feet a bit wide when standing still. My mom will complain, "Keep your feet with your body!" My walk is still not quite "normal," but I've "improved" it somewhat.
I also used to walk with my head down most of the time. I still do a lot, but it's something I've tried to work on. I'm not depressed, and I don't want to be perceived that way. Sometimes I over-compensate and raise my chin a bit too high, though. The biggest problem is that I'm afraid to make eye contact with random people, and don't want people to think I might be staring.
I apparently walk with my toes spread. All my pants quickly become ragged at the cuffs from my heel scuffing them as I walk. I have to consciously walk differently to avoid that.
Regarding looking down while walking: I do that too. I have found $100 bills lying in the street not once but twice, believe it or not!
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