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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Jul 2010, 3:15 am

I am curious if others have experienced this and whether this is normal or not. Especially those a bit older (I am 25 years old) and have been around for a few years.

Okay to start off have others always said you are quiet? In school and in college, on reports at work experience or from people I have always had comments on me being so quiet, one helper in college commented how reserved I was socially that I didn't like to display emotion and some made comments like "in your own world", some joked I was a killer sometimes. Also some people have said I looked "depressed and suicidal" (I like to go and have a drink on my own) even though I felt fine. I thought being quiet and reserved was normal but as I have had so many comments about it people pointing out about it (like a few weeks ago a man said I was different and when I questioned why he said because I am quiet). I am starting to think it actually probably isn't normal behaviour what I find interesting though is I always get "he's quiet" not he is shy or timid. I have said previously though I am generally a nice person, I will talk to others I can be quite socialable but otherwise I am quiet, withdrawn and reserved and spend most of my time alone. In school I suppose I was more self conscious because of the learning problems I had but I am much older now and still have this quiet, calm and reserved deamour. Also I have comments from people on "why I am alone" or people thinking I am waiting for someone or they didn't turn up but the truth is I enjoy being alone, I will eat out alone and one of the things I really enjoy is going to the cinema by myself with little people around.

Another thing (another question) is I like to watch the samething over and over again or listen to the same song repeatedly. For example if there is a song I really like I will often listen to that song and only that song constantly. If I like a certain programme or comedy I will watch it over and over again. Or a certain videogame which one I can think of I must of played 40 times or something.

Can anyone relate to this? Is this normal behaviour or somewhat Autistic. I like the website and I am here to discover more this condition as I have suspected for years (before I even heard of Autistm) that I didn't seem like other people.



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25 Jul 2010, 4:32 am



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25 Jul 2010, 4:36 am

A lot of this sounds like Autistic behaviors and the fact that you brought up learning disabilities is a bit of a red flag in my opinion. People on the spectrum are extremely likely to also have learning disabilities. So you've defiantly come to the right place. I'd also look into getting an assessment done.


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25 Jul 2010, 7:01 am

Yes, I've gotten the why are you so quiet thing a lot and yes, if I like a song I want to hear it over and over. I'm doing that now with a few songs.

Blue Jay
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25 Jul 2010, 7:24 am

I've always been described as 'quiet until you get me onto the right subjects' lol, and I will listen to the same album over & over again - I remember having Rammstein's 'Reise Reise' in a CD player for nearly two years without being removed,


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25 Jul 2010, 7:35 am

A frequent question for me (even from my parents) is "Are you okay? (You're awfully quiet...)" I tell my parents "yes" but I tell other people "I'm quiet until I'm around a familar group of people." or "It depends who I am with."

I just have a few songs I like so much that I will hear them on repeat no problem. Sometimes if a certain few seconds of a song really catches me I repeat it a few times. But if I watch the same stuff over and over I get bored of it.

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25 Jul 2010, 8:08 am

Is it "somewhat autistic"? Yes. But if you're doing fine, there's no real reason to look for a diagnosis.

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25 Jul 2010, 8:36 am

Emphatic yes-es all around. :) I love being alone and people usually seem to misread how I feel.

You should get Attwood's book on AS if you haven't already. You might find a lot of helpful insights in it. Welcome to WP - I missed your 1st post. :)

Pileated woodpecker
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25 Jul 2010, 10:50 am

Yes, a lot of people think I barely talk (I talk a lot to people I know well, though). People are always surprised to find that I have poor control over my voice levels, speaking loudly when I shouldn't. They imagine someone as "quiet" as I am wouldn't be loud.

I do have a tendency to listen to the same piece of music over and over, but not for too long. As for games, I just like to play a lot of games, not necessarily the same ones again and again. People who don't understand gaming act like I'm just doing the same thing over and over, but they don't comprehend the diversity that's available to me in games.