What is a jelly-wrestling match? Do you wrestle jelly? I could do that. Evil jelly! I'll subdue you faster than the NTs!
Hmmm... I guess that's just hard to know. If it's any given NT versus any given Aspie, well, there's no such thing as exactly average. And if it's everyone versus everyone on both sides, then unless somehow numbers aren't an advantage (say, for mean IQ or something), NTs win, outnumbering us ninety-nine to one. (Or more, if you only count diagnosed Aspies, and exclude people who were diagnosed with some other spectrum disorder.)
But it really does depend on the contest, of course. What are we competing to do?
One-on-one wrestling match, with one person on the spectrum (the best the spectrum has to offer) and one person an NT (the best the NTs have to offer)? (Probably the NTs, just because there's a greater likelihood of finding an NT anything, even something Aspies are better at, just because there are so many more of them. But given the high testosterone, I wonder...)
Number of legitimate meltdowns in a given period of time? Aspies will always win.
Number of fake whiny tantrums in a given period of time? NTs will always win, unless we're forewarned. Then, well, not caring what other people think, we'd do just fine, throwing one for the minimum length of time, resting for the minimum amount of time, then repeating constantly anywhere (seeing as how it's not like we'd care how we were seen)...
The problem is that there's a great likelihood that the best the NTs (a huge, diverse group running from priviledged to unpriviledged, loved to hated, from all backgrounds, with all sorts of different aptitudes) can offer on any given thing is better than the best the Aspies (a much smaller, basically equally diverse group, of varying social status but generally unpopular, and generally taught in ways that don't help us learn) can offer, regardless of what the average abilities of the two groups are.
But every Aspie versus every NT puts us at a disadvantage because of their sheer numbers. (Enough ants could beat a human, and there are definitely enough ants in the world to matter.)
Getting the highest mean score on some sort of test is the only way the Aspies could ever win, except maybe pitting a random NT against a random Aspie (in which case, the outcome is random), and that would depend on the test. Memory? Yes, we probably win. Highest scores on PSRS or BNSA? Well, that depends; are schizophrenics considered NT? (If not, we win. If yes, we might win or lose; I'm not sure whether there are enough NTs to water down the effect they would have on the sample.)
At understanding others on the spectrum? Well, no matter the form, we win that one, hands down. We probably also win at understanding animals.
I'm using a non-verbal right now. I wish you could see it. --dyingofpoetry