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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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07 May 2007, 3:39 am

Does anybody here feel like they have a good long term memory, but quite a poor short one?

I defenitly do, i will be given a message to send to somebody else, and i will forget to do it 5 minutes later. :lol:

But I can remember events that happened like so many years ago, in alot of detail. :?


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07 May 2007, 3:44 am

yep - I have seen it referred to as a working memory deficit before. Memory isn't just one thing, it is an accumulation of many different mental systems.


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07 May 2007, 3:52 am

Yes. I may forget what I've just been told, but memorize whole paragraphs from books, with page numbers and all.


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07 May 2007, 5:19 am

My memory used to be much better than it is, but between a couple of illnesses, a lot of stress & some medications, my short term memory is awful these days, for many things. My long-term memory is somewhat better, at least for some major stuff.


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07 May 2007, 5:26 am

Yep! I have a working memory deficit only about 70% of what I should have but my long term is quite spectacular.

Pileated woodpecker
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07 May 2007, 5:47 am

ixochiyo_yohuallan wrote:
Yes. I may forget what I've just been told, but memorize whole paragraphs from books, with page numbers and all.

8O My memory is never that good, by the time i move onto the next sentence in a book, i forget about the last one!! :lol:


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07 May 2007, 6:26 am

Fraz_2006 wrote:
ixochiyo_yohuallan wrote:
Yes. I may forget what I've just been told, but memorize whole paragraphs from books, with page numbers and all.

8O My memory is never that good, by the time i move onto the next sentence in a book, i forget about the last one!! :lol:

That happens to me if I try to read the fastest I can. It turns out I can scan faster than I can comprehend, and comprehend faster than I can remember. I have to read at about 1/2 the speed to really remember, and about half of THAT to comprehend WELL and really enjoy it.

As for my short term memory, it is decent, and getting better. On timed memory game type tests, on my first try, I tend to test JUST about 10% above high average. I want to get to where that is my WORST score.



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07 May 2007, 6:33 am

I'm extremely bad at short term but good at long term memory. If you told me your phone number I could not get it unless you said each number slow and I wrote it down it would be hopelessly impossible for me to memorize it in a short amount of time.


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07 May 2007, 6:54 am

I have an incredible long term memory, I can picture sequences and moments that happened when I was two. Don't dare ask me what I did when I woke up this morning though.


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07 May 2007, 7:30 am

Short term memory is very bad,can forget things in seconds,have to constantly rethink about what am doing and looking at,but long term-remember very small details.
dont like it when people get short and long term mixed up,when people hear things from the long term memory, they often say there is no memory problem at all.


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07 May 2007, 8:11 am

My short term memory is shocking. For example I might open up Google to search something, but forget what that was before the page even loads. My long term memory is the opposite. I can recite conversations from years ago word perfect and remember where the conversation occurred and the way in which I stood/sat during the conversation.

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07 May 2007, 8:41 am

I have neither. Short term started to suck first. Now slowly my entire past seems to be drifting away. I honestly don't think it's a memory issue so much as my ability to recieve the information. It's like trying to look through a stained glass window where everything is warped. The harder I try to make sense of it the thicker it becomes, the more confused I get until I give up. But I know it's all there. I blame the week.

Then there was 2nd grade where I discovered that I had developed the habbit of forming false memories. For example we were talking about fossils and I rose my hand and told the class they my uncle had a fossil of a prehistoric dragonfly. I immediatly had a distinct memory of looking at even though I knew it didn't exist. He had many many fossils, just not that one. I have no idea how often I have lied in the past because if I do lie, I will remember my lie like it was reality.

Putting together the fact that I can't retrieve all the information I need out of my memories mixed with fake memories that form as soon as I find a piece of information that seems to fit.... I hate it. I can't trust myself.

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07 May 2007, 8:44 am

I have a really really bad short term memory, but I'll remember things I couldn't remember 5 minutes ago, 5 years from now, and clearly most likely. I think my memory just discounts it, but files it away or something to be brought back out later, but usually when it no longer serves a purpose :)


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07 May 2007, 8:51 am

Yes. If somebody asks me what someone said on television, I can't answer, but I have a good memory for things I've read, heard or learned long ago.


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07 May 2007, 9:19 am

I have the same problem/advantage. Can't remember instructions of more than 1 sentence, or what I wanted to do just minutes ago if I get distracted, but long term memory is panoramic and easily accessible.
I'm not always sure whether these "do you have this too?" questions posted here have anything to do with AS, but this does really seem to be an Aspie/autistic trait. How does this fit in with other traits? Is there such a thing as "autistic time"? Changes of plan and unexpected events are more disturbing to us than they are to non-autistics. In my imagination, the events and activities that are ahead of me form a sort of landscape, its horizon being as far away as I care to look forward. Sudden appearances or disappearances of features in this landscape are obviously going to be upsetting; it doesn't feel natural when this happens, perceived rules are being broken. So time seems spatial rather than linear or sequential, and I have a strong sense of "here" but not of "now". "Nows" seem kind of irrelevant; the moment I'm aware of one it's gone already. Do you recognize this? What exactly are our brains doing right and what are they doing wrong, with respect to time? It seems to be that my brain is right about time being space-related, but wrong about the nature of that relationship.

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07 May 2007, 10:46 pm

I have terrible long-term and short-term memory, but especially bad short-term memory. I have long-term memories that stick, but they have to be overly exciting or traumatic.

It actually scares me the number of times people around me bring things up that I honestly have no memory of whatsoever. And I'm usually the only one that cannot remember. Sometimes if they give me enough details, I can bring up a "fuzzy" memory, but often it never comes at all: it's completely gone and unretrievable. My daughter becomes extremely frustrated with me over this.

I do have an amazing memory for research and facts, especially when it comes to the areas that highly interest me, ie. my "passions".