rosiemaphone wrote:
I don't really know why being pedantic is seen as such a bad personality trait. To me, it is all about unpicking words and definitions, being precise and saying exactly what you mean - this is when people say I'm being pedantic.
The British magazine Private Eye introduced a column for readers to submit corrections and comments about the accuracy of its stories. There was a discussion (amongst the early contributors) about whether it should correctly be called Pedants Corner, Pedants' Corner or Pedant's Corner, plus all the variations without capitalisation. They settled with Pedantry corner.
Some might argue (falsely, in most cases) that they had achieved many useful things during the months that the pedants were discussing this seemingly minor technicality. But there is an optimum balance where proceeding is more important than finalizing all the details in the plan, and some pedants get trapped in unproductive perfectionism.
(I don't know how perfectionism and executive dysfunction interact, but they are both useful concepts in AS).