Fraya wrote:
Actually now that I think about it I used to sit in geometry class with a blank piece of graph paper and watch the lines "shift" in and out of 3d (its hard to describe) and see what patterns they would make when I would get bored.
Lol! I'm not alone. I used to do this too. Wireframe pictures of cubes would suddenly "invert", as if they had been rotated about precisely 180 degrees on a plane perpendicular to the page. It was as if the flipping of the image would somehow define it's structure in my mind better.
I've actually just drawn the same image on a piece of paper in front of me, and got the same effect. This time I found I had to think about it quite hard though. Weird.
The other thing I used to love doing was staring at a chessboard, which would seemingly contract and expand as I stared, as well as a sort of "greying out" effect where the contrast would change randomly.
There is nothing about these perplexing and morally insensitive humans that cannot be solved with the aid of a heavy machine gun.