I have heard of two tricks to help remember names and faces.
(1) When you meet some new, in your head try to take note of something unusual about their appearance. Mentally pair that unusual feature with their name. (Do
not tell the person you are doing this, or ever mention what that unusual feature is to him or her.) The idea is that whenever you see that person, the unusual feature will jog your memory.
(2) When you are trying to recall someone's name, quietly, in your head, go through the letters of the alphabet. The idea is that when you come to the first letter of their name, it will remind you of their full name.
Unfortunately, one of the problems I have is that a lot of people look similar, so I am never sure if they are someone I know or not. The unusual feature trick can help with this, but most of the time I forget to use it.

But what if everyone looks very similar to you at first so that you don't notice unusual features on all but those who are
I tell the receptionist at work "Everyone looks the same!".