I have been called "ret*d" for doing various things because of the incorrect way people use the word. "OMG, that's like so effing ret*d/gay/stupid/weird/crazy/etc." I think I have been called ret*d for making "normal" mistakes or disliking certain genres of music, certain films someone else liked, or things like that more than I have been for doing anything that is an obvious result of AS or that remotely looks like something stemming from some kind of mental retardation.
I do not make unusual noises or movements often, so when I do, people are usually too freaked out/puzzled to think or say I am ret*d or anything of the like.
While Mr. Kim... has fallen prey to the inexplicable need for human contact, let me step in and assure you that my research will go on uninterrupted, and that social relationships will continue to baffle and repulse me.
- Dr. Sheldon Cooper (TBBT)