aldent88 wrote:
Wait you're 19,and from what I can tell from what you've told us, he is in the 29-30ish range and he is making fun of you???
I say kick him in the nuts and run next time he pulls it off. And if he has any sense of self preservation,he WILL stop. If not, keep it up. And if he tries to charge to you with assault or something like that, all you have to do is tell them he was harassing(sp?) you.Making fun of your disability/disorder in front of large groups of people and making you feel uncomfortable, then laughing about it.
Just a tip though, make sure you answer first before you kick, and let him laugh and whatnot, THEN kick and run. Everytime (if he is stupid and it has to happen more than once) this happens follow that routine. This way, he is humiliated/in pain, and youwalk away the victor.
Unless where you live has some sort of completely corrupt court system or something like that, if he tries taking you to court over it, they WILL be forced to listen to your side and probably end up siding with you. Otherwise, they know full well you can take it to another court with more power than they, and pursue both this guy AND the first court for injustice.
Don't believe me??? Its happened to me before.
And we had to take it to another court, and THEY ruled in my favor.
Except it was the School Board Director while we were working at Community Service functions.
I don't think physically assaulting someone in church is a good idea. He's 19 and could be charged as an adult for the act. There are many ways to handle this situation that don't involve likely repercussions involving law enforcement.