This is not a joke of any sort. I truly believe that my last dog had Aspergers, if such a thing can exist for animals. This particular dog, a cocker spaniel, is not alive anymore, and hasn't been for at least a year, but in his seven years of existence, I believe he had AS! My newer dog is much different, so I don't think he has AS.
Here's some traits of my previous AS-stricken dog:
(1) He didn't like to be touched. He'd growl, throw a fit and bite if anyone tried to pick him up.
(2) He wasn't a social dog. He had his moments of play and all, but he wasn't too interested in other dogs. In fact, he seemed to hate a few of the other dogs around my neighborhood.
(3) He didn't appear to know how to communicate properly. He used to growl more than anything else if people came too close at certain times or yelled too loudly.
(4) He used to stim, believe it or not. This may be true of many dogs, but he used to chew paper and a lot of other things right up until his older years. He loved the sound of ripping paper, not just chewing it, but tearing it apart. My newer dog does this too, but to a far less degree and doesn't show much of an interest in ripping paper.
(5) He was hyperactive, maybe even had traits of ADHD. He had these awesome sputs of energy where he would run around the house from room to room, sometimes hitting things in his way. Actually, my newer dog does this too, but he doesn't have the other traits.
If I could determine what an obsessive interest is in a dog, my previous dog probably had one of those, too. Like, maybe ripping paper all the time was one of his obsessive interests.
- Ray M -