Were you given a basic vocabulary to perhaps understand small aspects of Asperger - autism (such as central auditory processing disorder, dyspraxia, sensory integration/sensory processing, visual-perceptual challenges, sound sensitivity, synesthesia, hemiparesis, social skills, and so on)?
Or were you left almost completely in the dark where nothing at all was explained/no basic definitions or keywords provided?
If your neuropsychological report said that you have these difficulties and they were not explained to you or discussed with you then I think that was very wrong of your doctor (or other professional who compiled this report). I am making an assumption that you are referring to your own experience. You should definitely insist on a basic explanation. You may not understand as much as the doctor does about these things.....but that doesn't mean that he/she shouldn't make sure that you understand as much as possible about them...so that the report will be of some use to you and you will know what issues you are dealing with!
Good luck to you...I hope you get some answers soon (if in fact my assumption is correct
Aspects of body balance