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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 May 2006, 9:01 am

I need some help! I'm a 45 year old AS in university and for my final dissertation I've produced a website, based on anti - discrimination in every area. It's called anti-stereotypes and has a page each for a lot of subjects, such as age, disability, ethnic, gender, regional etc. My trouble is I'm supposed to get people to go on there and post a stereotype or argue that a stereotype is wrong, I'm supposed to ask friends etc, which isn't possible for me. So if it's allowed, and anyone has a spare few minutes I'd appreciate anyone visiting my site and if possible posting a message (you don't have to sign up to anything or even put an email in if you don't want to).

In this page is an example, I've posted a stereotype, eg "Asperger sufferers are generally slow learners". Then replied to my own post to state "Actually, AS people tend to be at least, if not more, intelligent than the rest of the population!" and backed it up with a quote from another site.

There's already some posts on this page that I got from the other students in my class having to fill in a questionnaire

Thnk you for any help/criticism.


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05 May 2006, 9:31 am

My goodness, what a challenging assignment! The only feedback that I could give you is that this assignment must be difficult for someone who has AS, since we "generally" don't "generalize." Isn't that what stereotyping is? Perhaps you could work that into your dissertation.

Sorry I can't be of more help.


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05 May 2006, 9:59 am

I don't think Asperger's syndrome was ever associated with being a slow learner except in terms of social learning.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 May 2006, 6:44 pm

thankyou for your replies. Sundy, yes this course has been extremely difficult for me, I started part time five years ago, but have been full time the last three. I was medically recommended to do it as a form of therapy, actually haing to mix with a group, but it's proved virtually impossible, five years and still haven't made any friends :( The only thing that has kept me going is my will to finish anything I start, another month and thankfully it will be all over, then another 20 years never going out probably!

NeantHumain, yes of course I know this, the point of the site, is to challenge the stereotype that society at large has about anything, unfortunately there are some (I've certainly had this experience, especially when I was young) that think any mental conditions render the person less intelligent than anyone else. By putting up that stereotype, the reply can then say, no, actually that is just not true!

Appreciate the feedback anyway, many thanks. :)