I was just thinking about music (from the "What is your favorite song?" thread in the Entertainment section), and it came into my mind that different types of music effects me in vastly different ways, physically, mentally, and emotioally. I'm interested in hearing how music effects others on this forum, as well.
I am generally a fan of alternative rock. I tend to like more laid back music, but I also enjoy it when the music "fills the room." I don't mean that it's loud, but that it feels like I am surrounded by the music on all sides, and completely absorbed in it. This allows me to "lose myself," but within my own control, as I can "come back" at any time that I wish. It seems to give my mind a feeling of clarity, and it uplifts my emotions. For me, Coldplay is a good example of this type of music. Classical also seems to have this effect, but I don't know composers, so I really couldn't go too deep into this topic.
I find that "Hard" music- especially metal, or the bands in which people scream a lot, really makes me feel like I am being driven into the ground, as though there is a jackhammer pounding on my head, and forcing me in. It can also make me dizzy and throw off my sense of balance (I think this has something to do with my inner ear going crazy). Needless to say, I don't especially like this stuff. Techno can sometimes have this effect, as well. I think it must be the bass, since low rumbling sounds tend to bother me quite a bit.
Trance, or even just weird, fluid music (like that of Radiohead) often does just what the name implies, it puts me in a bit of a trance- I feel like I'm being drawn along down a winding, wavy path, away from my body. It makes me extremely sleepy, as though I'm being drugged, and also makes me feel as though I don't want to do anything. Sometimes, it's an interesting feeling, but others, I really can't stand it.